Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Version 1.1

The day i started working at pasta mania... i would realise 3 things...

#1: Money isnt easy to earn ( thats y i never anyhow spent my parent's money... and also managed my own savings )

#2: Customer is always right! ( even till now.. im still facing DIFFICULT customers... but i still have to meet up to their unreasonable demands! so what? as long as i am doing my job and dun a damm about wat they thinks... forget them the next sec... resume my normal ways of life.)

#3: hougang mall and fareastplaza are different world - pastamania outlets (some customers are just too smart and arrogant.. while some r just plain stupid... )

eg. ok .. b4 the part where they r being stupid... this is how ordering food in pasta mania normally works...
ME:hi mdm can i have yur order?
CUS:i would like to have marinara
ME:ok pasta choice...?
CUS: i would like to have it in fusilli :)
ME:anymore orders?
CUS:that would be all :D
ME:hmm total would be $XX.XX ty ...enjoy yur meal :D

now.. when funny customers came... maybe they r new or just stupid... esp secondary 1 students

ME:HI! can i have yur order?
STU:can i have aglio oilo (of coz u can)
ME:Pasta choice?
(sometimes they say)
STU:PASTA !!#*($*$!)(??????

then i would correct them...
ME: erm we have different type of pasta... blah
STU:ok.. ill have fufu....fu...fusilllli... then i want to have combo A....
ME:yur choice of drinks?
STU: HUh? where? where? (too short to see) esp the girls... zzz
ME:do u want coke?
ME:for the soup we have cream of mushroom and ministroni...
STU:cream of mushroom and wat?
ME(thinking): ZZzz...forget it
ME:we have cream of mushroom and vegetable soup :X

i shall not elaborate anymore as i know u dun wana listen anymore LOLS...!