Sunday, February 22, 2009


hmm have you ever scroll down to the bottom of the page?... hm theres some silly games to keep u entertained... on the right side...? watch avatar episodes being ruinned by some idiots modifying their voice... ahaha... nothing to say much these days.. just so freaking tired.. with a ridiculous manager tat call every morning 2 am... how to sleep! u tell me?

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Hmm i guess i shld start writing something now... lols well ...
yeah i like computer games alot! i had spent almost 50% of my life playing computer games...
feels so lifeless now! longest period of time... hmm maybe rappelz.. had played it for 2yrs ! lols
the onli game i find silly n quit within 15mins was maple... omg small kids using wooden stick wacking insects... wow !
started dota about 3months ago... had 3months of experience... wouldnt be much of a pro...well depends on if i get any feel for dota tat day... i might own! but. when no feel ahhh... feed like fk...

i remeber i had a game of dota 2 am 2days ago... senhui and me vs wei liang n desmond.. omg we got pwned badly...
how to say ah... 2 players with 3 months of experienced... played with 2 siao kia with 3 yrs of experience? lols...
hmm well now so bored of gaming... feel so lost...

feel sooooooooooooo lost!...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Forced... into a corner...

Farid! u LAMER!
Go bck yur Zoooo


im new to blogging... well lets see... wat shld i post today? absolutely NOTHING haha. What a start for first timer...